How it Works
Step 1

Call VeraMed Health.
Step 2

We work with your Physician.
Step 3

We ship your medical supplies.

Get the next-level care you need with Continuous Glucose Monitoring!
Accurate, consistent management of blood glucose levels
Discover a powerful tool in preventing diabetes complications. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices allow you to track your glucose levels with a simple scan at any time, and share essential data with loved ones and caregivers. Unlike a blood glucose monitor, which only gives you a current glucose reading, CGM devices can show additional insights such as where your glucose level was, currently is, and where it’s headed.

Join Today! Enrolling is Easy.
Fill out this form or call (800) 661-4455 to refer one of your patients to us. After you contact us a customer care representative will take care of the rest, and your referral will be contacted directly.
Disclaimer: By providing your phone number and clicking “Sign me up” you agree that VeraMed including its affiliates and vendors, may make calls to you about its products and services using automated technology, including text messages. You represent that the phone number you provided in this form is yours and/or that you are authorized to give consent for calls to that phone number. Your consent is not required as a condition of purchasing any good or service, and you may instead call us regarding your inquiry at (800) 661-4455 Read our Privacy Policy. READ MORE